The Most Common TCP Ports And Their Services

Callum Duncan
Jun 11, 2021


Title card

When looking at the output of a port scan, many hackers will know which service many of them correspond to. However, this does not necessarily show how common these ports are. This post highlights which ports are ACTUALLY most common on the internet and the services they most commonly run.

We have the information for over 38 thousand ports from port number 1–38020 using Shodan’s API that allows us to check the open ports for every device they have scanned. This is most likely one of the best sources for this information other than scanning every IP range and port range yourself. If you’re looking to build a most common port scan list as opposed to the NMAP top 1000, you can find the file right [here].

The data from this article was originally used at :



Callum Duncan

A cyber Security Researcher and hacker trying to share knowledge that might help